Friday, October 12, 2007

I found sun up there!

In my never ending fight with gravity, or at least being bound to the ground, I decided to conquer the San Juan Islands this afternoon. After a few touch & go's at Friday Harbor, I flew out to Stuart Island and did a go around and a full stop landing. Then over to Orcas for a landing, and then on to Lopez for a landing, before returning to FH and landing. And then realizing that if I took off one more time, I could get some night landings in! Lu, my trusty companion (you've seen the bumper sticker "Dog is my co-pilot"? well - he really is!) well Lu agreed, and off we went for a little more flying, and then flew the pattern for two more landings. D'oh - as I write this I just realized I didn't make one a full stop... Guess I only get to count one of them... Oh well - another excuse to go night flying again!