Saturday, January 19, 2008

Made it to the Atlantic Coast

Last night, actually 3am this morning, we made it to Puerto Madryn on the southern end of the beginning of the Peninsula Valdes. It was a LONG drive, but we made it after a 4 hour stop in Tecka to get our ruptured fuel line fixed. Of course we were out of gas now, several hundred miles from anywhere, and due to a national gas crisis, waited in line for an hour to only be sold 50 pesos of gas, about 25 litres. (thats about $18.00us for 7.5 gallons). We seriously didn't think we'd make it. Three hours later, running on fumes, we found another 50 peso stop which got us to Trelew. Another fiasco (I'll write more on that one later) and we made it to a town of hundres of thousands (well, maybe not) of peopleand ony one hotel room available - for over $200US. FOUR times what we've paid anywhere else. Woke up to see this view - and it was all worth it!!