Friday, December 29, 2006

Chinese Trout

Yesterday we went fly-fishing in a river right next to a HUGE trout farm. The fishing was, needless to say, amazing! A fish on every cast. I actually caught one so big that it ran out my entinre line then jerked me off the rock I was precariously balanced on. Waders work really well to keep the water out, unless you go under. Then they work really well to keep the water in!

This is one of the only rivers you are allowed to actually keep fish! So we kept 4 (two each) and tooke them to a Chinese restaurant and had the cook do us up a special treat for dinner! Two trout were cooked up in an Oyster Sauce with Veggies, and the other two were prepared in a spicy sauce and slightly fried. VERY GOOD!!!

(By the way, the beer in the sink is one of those little 1 1/2 liter bottles!)